Taylor and Andrew’s wedding at Lareau Farm Inn was a spectacular bohemian dream bursting with such sultry chic style. Every detail inspired me from their exotic umbrella cabana lawn lounge complete with floor pillows to their handwoven summer of love sign, their giant feather plumes with flowers decorating their wedding arch, their handmade wooden cutting board centerpieces made by the groom himself to their boho flags flying high on rafters interwoven with twinkle lights. From white birdcage decor to southwestern cow skull to bowls of colorful paper folding fans, I found color and handmade details everywhere. I loved taking photos of Taylor twirling in the golden light. She was such a free-spirited bride and the entire day was such a dream for this free-spirited photojournalist. We played around with the hay bails and Andrew even launched himself off of one. It was so sweet watching the father-daughter first look between Taylor and her dad. What an awesome, dream-escape it was! I was so captivated and inspired by all that you created and the incredible love surrounding you both. Taylor and Andrew, thank you so much for choosing me to capture it for you!
Groom’s/ Groomsmen attire— Groom – Blank Label; Groomsmen – Express & Brooks Brothers
Umbrellas – World Market; Folding Fans – Oriental Trading; most everything else was homemade by the bride’s talented mother!
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