Editorial Vermont

Vergennes, VT, Memorial Day Parade

Photos by Cat Cutillo

A photo story from the 2013 Memorial Day Parade in Vergennes, VT. Speakers pictured below include Senator Bernie Sanders, John Mitchell of American Legion Post 14, and Brig. Gen. Brian Carpenter of Middlebury.


Vergennes Vermont Baby Portrait Photographer

Cat Cutillo Photography & Video now operates out of Outerlands Gallery in downtown Vergennes, VT. Creative studio portraits are available inside the Gallery. Cat also takes on-location candid portraits at your home or in a unique outdoor setting. The baby photography below was all shot at Outerlands Gallery in Vergennes.

Contact Cat:

802.870.7228 Outerlands Gallery
415.680.4966 work cell
cat (at) catcutillo (dot) com


VT Wedding Photography

The process of editing down all of my wedding photojournalism to revamp my wedding photography website took some serious time. And my creative journey followed the same path as every other project I’ve ever embarked on: It started out on a table and finished up on a floor.


Garden Spider

Personal Vermont

Addison County Fair & Field Days

This horse kept flashing me his big toothy smile at the Addison County Fair and Field Days in Vergennes, VT.