
Michelle & Jimmy Elope in Vermont: Basin Harbor Club Vermont Wedding Photographer

A heatwave hit Vermont during the week of July 4th this year, but that was nothing for Michelle and Jimmy, two Texas natives who eloped in VT on July 5th at the Basin Harbor Club. Michelle wore a lemon-love wedding dress that was straight out of a color-on-color sunshine dream come true for me. She sent photos of the dress to Basin Harbor Club’s floral design team ahead of time so they could create the perfect bouquet to match. This will go down as one of my all-time favorite wedding dresses. Michelle’s son and their parents were part of their intimate ceremony in the gardens at Basin Harbor officiated by Pat Johnson. After the ceremony we headed to the dock to take some portraits against the magical, sparkly blue backdrop of Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains. Then we zipped up the hill in the golf cart to capture photos against that gorgeous green vine and gardens. Wandering through the garden, we found the perfect yellow flower to capture some close-up macro lens moments of their rings too. While we were doing this, Jimmy told the best story about how he carried the ring around in his shoe all day waiting to propose to Michelle while they were traveling in Colorado. What a perfect day you had, Michelle and Jimmy! I loved getting to meet you two and your family. Thank you so much for letting me capture your wedding story!

Published Weddings

Published in Vermont Vows Spring/Summer 2014

My photo shoot for Vermont Vows just came out in their latest Vermont Vows Spring/Summer 2014 magazine Issue No. 18 for the feature article “Lobster and Lemon!” I am so thrilled to see that so many of my photos were selected for publication and two were chosen to run full-page! What a great day we had at the Basin Harbor Club shooting this–couldn’t have had a more gorgeous setting! [I didn’t post the entire article below–just the pages with my photos and the title page which isn’t mine. You can see the entire article here.