Editorial Vermont

Photography at Vermont State House

I am honored to be asked to exhibit my photography in this Addison County Career Artists exhibition at the Vermont State House. Below are my two photos currently on display at the exhibit. The show will run through March 28th.

Artists on exhibit at this show include:

Warren Kimble, Rebecca Purdum, Woody Jackson, Kirsten Hoving, Kate Gridley, Lily Hinrichsen, John West Townsend, Hannah Sessions, Greg Burnhardt, Cat Cutillo, Ross Sheehan and Anneke Jewett

Curated by Jean Cherouny

“Uncle John” 2014

Middlebury native, John Reynolds, is my Uncle-in-law, who now lives in Brandon. He is a Veteran, a collector and a giver. He swings by our house periodically in his truck. I always know his knock—loud and deliberate. Aside from his physical collections, he’s got a collection of great stories. His visits are short—under 15 minutes, but well executed—he’ll pull out a cigarette, tell you a wild story and leave you with a trinket before he heads back out on the road. Photographed in the heart of a frigid Vermont winter, his beard and cigarette blended perfectly into the overcast lighting. And of course after the shoot, Uncle John flashed his secret smile and handed over a Mannequin head with green earrings as a sentiment for coming by.

“Windmill” 2011

This is the moment before a fall storm hits. I was taken by the rusty metal of the windmill juxtaposed by the dry golden grass and back-dropped by that beautiful churning blue. I drove by this windmill everyday in Addison, VT, but it suddenly looked alive with the dramatic lighting and the inevitable rage of rain to come.


Wedding Videography at Woodstock Inn in Vermont

Reneé and La Shun had such a gorgeous wedding at the Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, VT. It all started as an office romance for these two–Reneé, a dental hygienist and La Shun, a dentist. And by all accounts they were a match made in sparkly purple heel-heaven from the get-go! For a storyteller like me that loves color, I was like a kid in a candy store with her sparkly purple heals. What’s even more impressive is Reneé sparkled them herself. Their mild November day was filled with lots of laughter, a notable amount of chicken wings, lots of sparkle of course and an overwhelming amount of love. Congratulations you two–thanks for having me capture your amazing day!

Reneé & La Shun’s Wedding–Highlights Video from Cat Cutillo on Vimeo.

Reneé and La Shun’s Wedding–Full Video from Cat Cutillo on Vimeo.

Published Weddings

Wedding Photography Featured in Vermont Bride Magazine

One of my wedding photos was selected to illustrate this article in Vermont Bride Magazine’s winter/spring 2014 print issue.

Published Weddings

Published in Vermont Vows Spring/Summer 2014

My photo shoot for Vermont Vows just came out in their latest Vermont Vows Spring/Summer 2014 magazine Issue No. 18 for the feature article “Lobster and Lemon!” I am so thrilled to see that so many of my photos were selected for publication and two were chosen to run full-page! What a great day we had at the Basin Harbor Club shooting this–couldn’t have had a more gorgeous setting! [I didn’t post the entire article below–just the pages with my photos and the title page which isn’t mine. You can see the entire article here.


Published Weddings

Published in WellWed Hamptons

How exciting this is to have my photos published in WellWed Hamptons Issue No. 9! I did a photo shoot for Vermont Vows last summer at the Basin Harbor Club in Vergennes, VT, and was so excited that some of my photos from this shoot were also published in their partner magazine. You can see the Vermont Vows “Lobster and Lemon” feature article here.